We’ve been eating lunch at our Grocery Store’s deli a lot lately…which happens to have an outdoor patio…overlooking the river. It’s by far the most gourmet grocery story dining experience I’ve ever had. Ali is definitely a fan.
Seen on the way to Nashville:There’s a lot of mixed metaphors there…
Seen in Barnes and Noble. Notice especially the “included” section – In Chris’ Twenty-Plus years of tailgating, I don’t think he’s found the need for ANY of those items.
Really? Are ATMs you? And how many ATMS do you have hiding in that Dump Truck??
A few more pictures from the Botanical Gardens:
And Ali’s FAVORITE Mountain, Yogurt Mountain.
We met the Sparks’ at YoMo that night Ali read Luke his Tractor book, except she was really reading (from memory) her nursery rhyme book. I’m sure he was only slightly confused.
A few Shameless-Pics-Of-Ali-In-A-Pretty-Dress:
A few more pictures from our Porch Time:
I started back up Jillian’s Shred exercise program a few weeks ago. On the day I decided to start it back up, I told Ali to pick up her blocks out of the floor because we were going to do The Shred.
Apparently, she’s missed our exercise routine. When I got back into the room, all of her blocks were picked up, and she had found and put out our exercise mat AND both of our hand weights:
At that moment, I realized that she inherited her Daddy’s extremely proactively thoughtful gene. And that makes me extremely happy.